Helping Companies Navigate Change.

what we do

We provide innovative solutions to grow business


help businesses remain competitive by analysing business practices, identify the blind spots, appropriate business trends and designing optimum strategies for improvement.

Training & Development

Quality training and development services allow people to be more effective in their jobs, serve customers better, and at the same time remain happy at work.

Coaching & Mentoring

Likeminde Coaching is for Individuals, corporate employees, and Leaders.Our coach programs are a combination of Western and Eastern philosophies of experience.


We help businesses realize their vision

We partner with our clients from start to finish, focusing on their needs while producing new ideas and designing high-quality and scalable solutions.
We offer specialized consulting services in Sales and Growth Strategy along with Training, Coaching and Mentoring to help grow their business. We provide on-ground execution support along with our strategy services which result in desired business outcomes.


For more than twenty  years we have been working hands-on inside many industries in management positions. With Likeminde you’re in great hands where a trusted business advisor helps you to grow your business to higher levels of Profitability and Business Value.

Building Strategies for Your Business Future

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Latest News/Trends

Emotional intelligence

Self-Criticism and productivity

Self-criticism is an unknown but yet a very very slow but strong penetrating phenomena underlying within every human being. Today more and more researches are carried out to find how

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Leadership Coaching

Future CEO!!!

Just the Last week I had the privilege to discuss with a CEO of a SaaS company. The company is emerging its roots across the whole country now. The discussion

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Strategy Consulting

Change your Business Game!!!

The language used in Business is full of expressions inspired from the military and sports. We know that Military and sports is about winning and losing. However, business is not

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Let’s discuss about how we can help make your business better

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