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Future CEO!!!

Just the Last week I had the privilege to discuss with a CEO of a SaaS company. The company is emerging its roots across the whole country now. The discussion was more of a casual type. He wanted to understand how other industries were performing post pandemic. We discussed on the scope of Emotional Intelligence at workplace, and we were planning to sign a contract from August 2022 for 3 month period to all his leadership team of 7 people.
It was then the topic of CEO came. I shared with him the future expectation from a CEO from most of the growing organizations. Herewith I am sharing a glimpse of the points suggested with him for your reference.
In my opinion, the 4 aspects categorized for the future CEO are as follows…
Need to be an Architect –
I have seen great CEO’s build teams and organizational structures, systems, and processes to deliver outstanding results. I call it building Organizational infrastructure from innovation to strong customer relationships to highly developed supply chains. These leaders relentlessly work on building an engine for growth that will last long into the future.

They are born leaders who instinctively and proactively strategize right systems, processes, and reporting structures. They don’t just copy what their predecessor already had done or what competitors are doing. They always tend to rediscover the solutions to any given problem they are trying to solve and use outside-in thinking to create new ways of working to improve business growth.

Expertise in bringing a strong culture –
In just one sentence, People naturally should like them
But How? They should evoke trust and personal competence, to every stakeholder inside and outside the organization.
They should be Leaders by keeping in touch with the people they find most interesting and nurture what becomes a diverse array of connections over time.
I read somewhere that the Future CEO, will be a “people person.” This will result in an incredibly rich network of contacts, who will look upon you as an expert in the field.

Walk the talk and follow the Passion –
These leaders are strategic thinkers and given their deep sense of purpose, they start identifying purpose-driven leaders around and they start encouraging such upcoming leaders to “think big,” and recognize people by showering them with great responsibilities and opportunities

Need to display the Mentor Nature –
Mentoring is a beautiful art. It is always believed that a CEO should be a like a parent to his fellow employees. Mentoring is to provide guidance, advice, feedback, and support to the whole team, serving variously as role model, teacher, counsellor, advisor, sponsor, advocate, and ally, on the specific goals and objectives.

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